Volunteer With Us

Want to participate in a Sunday service by reading scripture?

Would you like to donate the flowers for Sunday worship in honor or memory of a loved one?

Maybe you want to help the community by serving food at a LISTEN Community Dinner?

There are plenty of ways you can be involved in the life of CCDC! 

Sunday Morning Opportunities

Coffee Hour

Host coffee/fellowship hour after Sunday worship. This involves set up, coffee and snack service, and clean up.

Also needed are healthy snack providers.


Betsey Ready

Flowers For Sunday Worship

Grace our chancel area with cheerful flowers for Sunday worship and list a dedication in the bulletin.

Contact: Sam Smith (sae.smith@comcast.net)

Scripture Reader

Read scripture during worship on a Sunday morning.

Passages will be sent to you ahead of time so you can familiarize yourself with the text.

Contact: Dennis Robison (robisode@gmail.com)

Opportunities In Our Community

CCDC Hanover Community Food Pantry

Non-perishable donations may be left anytime in the grocery cart in the downstairs lobby.

Financial contributions may be sent to the church office with “food pantry” in the memo line.

For questions or to volunteer your time, please contact Cinny Bensen at cinnybensen@gmail.com or 802 649-1949.

Dismas House Dinner

Every month of the second Wednesday, volunteers cook dinner and eat with the residents of Hartford Dismas House.

Contact: Cinny Bensen (cinnybensen@gmail.com)

LISTEN Community Dinner

Serve warm meals to neighbors in need. CCDC provides food and volunteers to cook and serve dinner at the LISTEN Community Center in White River Junction, VT. Dinner prep begins at 4:00 PM and is finished by 6:00. Assist the lead chef in preparation of the main meal and serve the meal (cafeteria style). This event is finalized by a brief clean up. Salads (for 25 ppl) can be dropped off at LISTEN earlier in the day or arrangements can be made for them to be picked up at church.This program is a great venue for parent/child volunteering opportunity (Children over 13 years of age).

Contact: Xenia Heaton (xeniaheaton@gmail.com)